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Drawing Text in Kha

Tagged with: Kha

Drawing text in Kha requires a couple of steps:

  • Find and add a font (TTF) into your Assets directory
  • Load the font (along with all assets)
  • Draw the font on screen via drawString

Here's a minimal example demonstrating these steps, assuming that you downloaded the Inconsolata font into Assets/fonts/inconsolata_regular.ttf:


import kha.Framebuffer;
import kha.Scheduler;
import kha.System;
import kha.Image;
import kha.Scaler;
import kha.Color;
import kha.Font;
import kha.Assets;

class Unknown
	private static var bgColor = Color.fromValue(0x26004d);
	private var font:Font;
	private var initialized:Bool = false;
	public function new()
		Scheduler.addTimeTask(update, 0, 1 / 60);
			initialized = true;
			font = Assets.fonts.Inconsolata_Regular;

	public function render(framebuffer:Framebuffer): Void
		if (!initialized)

		frames += 1;

		// clear our backbuffer using graphics2
        var g = framebuffer.g2;

		g.font = font;
		g.fontSize = 24;
        g.color = Color.fromValue(0xFF0000); // red text

        g.drawString("Hello, world!", 50, 20); // Draw "Hello, World!" at (50, 20)

This is an untested example, with lots of things removed (eg. back buffering). It demonstrates the main steps:

  • Load the font (Assets.loadEverything)
  • Assign the font to a variable once it's loaded (anonymous function)
  • Use the font to draw to screen